By 1:05 I was starting to feel sick. By the end my sickness was complete. I watched with 'jaw on floor, eyes bugging out disbelief '.
I don't think all the 'apostates' on this site working overtime for 6 weeks could have come up with a more damaging video. How can this organization keep its credibility if this direction continues. Some idiot comes up with an idiotic idea and then, through sheer force of their will, get everyone at bethel to not only act like a bunch of morons, but do it in front of a camera.
This is the same organization that is looking for lawyers to join the Bethel family. What lawyers in their right mind would want any connection with them? However, it looks like they have plenty of cleaning ladies, which would explain why the Society is not sending letters to the BOE asking them to discreetly approach JW's skilled in the use of toilet brushes to encourage them to apply for positions at Bethel.